
Thankful for Thanksgiving.

Over the past couple of days, I have been thinking a lot about what I am grateful for. I have been absolutely overwhelmed with gratitude. My entire life I have been blessed, I have always had a place to live, there has always been food available to me when I'm hungry, since I was 5 years old, I have been able to continue my education, I have always had a supportive safe household, I have always had shoes to put on my feet and clothes to keep me warm.. The list goes on and on, but these are a few of the basics that many of us take for granted and they may not even cross ones mind to be grateful for.   

Hearing about all the horrible things that are going on in the world right now makes my heart extremely heavy. It has brought to my attention once again how blessed I am, and how much I have been given to work with. I have the option to choose what I want to do with my life, what career path I want to take. I am going to take advantage of my advantages and try my best to make a difference. So often I hear about things that I want to change, but it seems like such a impossible task. The truth is, one person can make a ample difference in the world, for example look at Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa and Harriet Tubman. There are so many beautiful things God has given us, each and every one of us are blessed with unique talents and ability's. I am going to try to develop my talents further and use them the best I can to help and make a difference. If you are reading this, I encourage you to do the same. If one person has the ability to make such a remarkable difference, imagine what 100 people could do.

My sister Kaya has been such a great example to me of selflessness. She is devoting a year of her life to humanitarian work in Senegal, Africa! I love this video she put together of life in her village! Check out her blog here. She is remarkable.


Bucket List?

 Here it is, my never ending bucket list and reminders to myself. I come up with new things daily. Life is short, and I have so much I want to accomplish. Isn't it great how we can go and do what ever we choose?  Endless opportunities await! I suggest you write down your very own bucket list... it made me so excited actually seeing things I want to do/ accomplish. 

Adopt a Great Dane from a shelter
Save up $$ fly to the other side of the world, and travel around for 6 months with no agenda.
Live in Italy or France for one year, become fluent in the language.
Start my own charity or be actively involved in one.
Fall madly in love with someone and be happily married for eternity.
Adopt a child.
Have a big family!
Be successful and happy in whatever career path I choose.
Actively practice positive thinking.
Volunteer in a orphanage and make improvements until it is 100% better, no matter how long it takes.
If my life becomes mundane, change something. 
Make it a goal to visit and talk to my family often if we are far apart. 
Do things that spark my creativity and inspire me.
Remember the cure to stress or a bad day- light candles, turn on relaxing music, and drink a hot cup of tea, (a massage is always a plus). 
Be someone who I would want to spend time with.
Eat healthy and take care of my body.
Keep a journal, write down when and why I am happy..
Remember to appreciated the beauty that surrounds me daily.
Have horses one day..
Live in a BIG city for a while.
Stand on the Great Wall of China.
Sit and meditate while looking over Machu Picchu.
Go on a boat through Amazon River in Brazil, spend a night in one of the river tree houses- try not to get eaten by a snake or wild animal of some sort. 
Go skydiving.
Attend a World Cup.
Hike Mt. Everest... haha, just kidding!
Successfully go in a shark cage with Kaya - last time didn't count. 
Give gifts/ donations no matter my financial situation; remember to be charitable. 
Center my life around God, and persistently work to be a better person.
Take a trip to Greece exclusively with Kaya.
Ride a Elephant.
Learn to play the guitar and sing.
Make a effort to keep in contact with friends.
Live by the beach at some point.
Count my blessings daily.
Warm weather is always good.
Go snowboarding at least once a year, it's fun even when you a terrible.
Go to the north of Sweden around Christmas time- See the northern lights and pet a reindeer.
Speak Swedish fluently. 
Have a camera on hand at all times. 
Learn to love camping. 
Dance - it makes me happy. 
Live a happy life. 

to be continued.... 


I'm moving to THAILAND?!?!

I have been waiting to hear the news for about a month now, and I am so excited to share with you all, I will be moving to Thailand in August for 5 months!
Let me start from the beginning.... Ever since I left Sweden last January, I have been craving more travel. Seeing Kaya go to India as well as Africa made me not only want to travel more, but make a difference in someones life. I started researching different programs and found many of them are far out my price range. My mom told me a program called ILP (International Language Program) that is based in Utah. They are affordable, and just what I was looking for!
I will be traveling to the other side of the world with around 15-20 other people my age. I will be spending my 5 months there teaching elementary aged children English! This trip will be good for so many reasons, some of those being, being able to teach the kids English, which will aide them exceedingly in their future, being able to see another part of the world (a very beautiful part I may add), gaining a new perspective on life and culture, last but not least, meeting new people who share common interests and goals. 
I've had countless people tell me that I am crazy for wanting to move to another country where I know no one.  My answer to that is, I feel happiest when I am experiencing new things and put myself out of my comfort zone, it is a tremendous growing experience that I think everyone should experience at least once in their life. At this point in my life, I have nothing tying me down, so, I am going to experience, learn, enjoy and love every second of it! I am absolutely thrilled!