
Countless hours of.. bleh..

It is frustrating trying to find a job for next year. I have spent countless hours trying to find something that I will enjoy and that I am qualified for. Everywhere wants 18+ year olds. The only problem is I will still be 17. I want to enjoy my first year on my own, and I am just as qualified as any 18 year olds, yet it is much more difficult to find a job. But I will find something good.... I'm determined! 

People Watching

I love going to public places and just sitting and watching people as they do their own things. Most people find it boring, but I find it fascinating. Now that I think of it, I think that is a big contributer to why I enjoy traveling so much and why I get excited when I have a layover in big airport. There is so much diversity in this world and we can all learn so much from each other.