
I love you Sweden!

I have been in Sweden for 71 days. I can't believe it, it has been going by way too fast. There are many things that are different here, so I thought it would be fun to mention a few..
  • Everything is smaller here, the food, the cars, the streets, the houses. When you buy milk here, it's 1/4 of the size of the milk you would buy in the U.S.
  • Everything costs more $$$$
  • It is very normal here to ride your bike or ride a bus everyday.
  • It is okay to swear in school, in front of your teachers, and for teachers to swear.
  • There is no dress code in school.
  • People usually don't talk to each other if they don't know each other. Sometimes on the way home from school on the bus, the bus is completely full and completely silent. I think it is quite awkward, but maybe not to the Swedes ;).
  •  You call the teachers by their first names. 
  • Lunch is free here, and a lot better than lunches in the U.S. (I think).
  • If you translate how they say hello to each other it would be "Hi Hi!" ha
  • Everything is very "cozy". (At least to the people in my class). :)
  • I never thought I was a loud person until I came to Sweden, I realized that very quickly... before I even arrived in Linköping. 
  • They have a lot of cool Christmas traditions here, like Lucia. 
  • I feel stupid a lot because I only speak English, especially in school. Although, I am proud to say I am understanding a lot more than when I first came. It is really exciting when I understand a full sentence. Pathetic, I know.
  • It no longer sounds weird to me when people are speaking Swedish, it seems kind of normal now. When I hear people speaking English on the bus or something it is really weird. 
  • It is SO cold here, but also SO beautiful. Although, I do miss the huge mountains that I took for granted.
  • You can't drive here until you are 18. So there is no huge parking lot by my school.
  • I stay with the same class all day everyday. It's different, but I think it's a lot of fun! 
  • I wish I could speak Swedish.   
I still am shocked that I only have 1 month left here. I had a dream that I was back in the U.S. and I was so sad. Waking up from that dream and still being in Sweden was the best thing ever. I'm not saying that I don't miss the U.S. because I do, and I miss my friends and family. But to be completely honest, I am not ready to leave Sweden. I have grown to love it here. It makes me so sad to even think about leaving. I have meet so many amazing people here and I don't want to have to say goodbye. I have some regrets. I wish I could go back to the very beginning of my journey and do some things differently. That's not possible, but you live and you learn. All I can do now is enjoy every second I am here, make memories that I will never forget. I am so grateful that I am able to be here. It really has been a life changing experience. I already know that I will go back to the U.S. a different person. I am happy with that. I need to remember that my 'goodbye' here will be more like a 'see you later'. I really want to come back here and see what summer is like, and the rest of the seasons, I've herd it is beautiful. I hope my friendships that I have made here will continue even after I leave. I know I will come back someday, hopefully in the near future :). It's not time to say 'see you later' yet! I still have 1 whole month left here! It is going to be the best month ever!