Over the past couple of days, I have been thinking a lot about what I am grateful for. I have been absolutely overwhelmed with gratitude. My entire life I have been blessed, I have always had a place to live, there has always been food available to me when I'm hungry, since I was 5 years old, I have been able to continue my education, I have always had a supportive safe household, I have always had shoes to put on my feet and clothes to keep me warm.. The list goes on and on, but these are a few of the basics that many of us take for granted and they may not even cross ones mind to be grateful for.
Hearing about all the horrible things that are going on in the world right now makes my heart extremely heavy. It has brought to my attention once again how blessed I am, and how much I have been given to work with. I have the option to choose what I want to do with my life, what career path I want to take. I am going to take advantage of my advantages and try my best to make a difference. So often I hear about things that I want to change, but it seems like such a impossible task. The truth is, one person can make a ample difference in the world, for example look at Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa and Harriet Tubman. There are so many beautiful things God has given us, each and every one of us are blessed with unique talents and ability's. I am going to try to develop my talents further and use them the best I can to help and make a difference. If you are reading this, I encourage you to do the same. If one person has the ability to make such a remarkable difference, imagine what 100 people could do.
My sister Kaya has been such a great example to me of selflessness. She is devoting a year of her life to humanitarian work in Senegal, Africa! I love this video she put together of life in her village! Check out her blog here. She is remarkable.
Brookie, you're an example to me. I LOVE YOU