- Everything is smaller here, the food, the cars, the streets, the houses. When you buy milk here, it's 1/4 of the size of the milk you would buy in the U.S.
- Everything costs more $$$$
- It is very normal here to ride your bike or ride a bus everyday.
- It is okay to swear in school, in front of your teachers, and for teachers to swear.
- There is no dress code in school.
- People usually don't talk to each other if they don't know each other. Sometimes on the way home from school on the bus, the bus is completely full and completely silent. I think it is quite awkward, but maybe not to the Swedes ;).
- You call the teachers by their first names.
- Lunch is free here, and a lot better than lunches in the U.S. (I think).
- If you translate how they say hello to each other it would be "Hi Hi!" ha
- Everything is very "cozy". (At least to the people in my class). :)
- I never thought I was a loud person until I came to Sweden, I realized that very quickly... before I even arrived in Linköping.
- They have a lot of cool Christmas traditions here, like Lucia.
- I feel stupid a lot because I only speak English, especially in school. Although, I am proud to say I am understanding a lot more than when I first came. It is really exciting when I understand a full sentence. Pathetic, I know.
- It no longer sounds weird to me when people are speaking Swedish, it seems kind of normal now. When I hear people speaking English on the bus or something it is really weird.
- It is SO cold here, but also SO beautiful. Although, I do miss the huge mountains that I took for granted.
- You can't drive here until you are 18. So there is no huge parking lot by my school.
- I stay with the same class all day everyday. It's different, but I think it's a lot of fun!
- I wish I could speak Swedish.
I love you Sweden!
I have been in Sweden for 71 days. I can't believe it, it has been going by way too fast. There are many things that are different here, so I thought it would be fun to mention a few..
I am thankful for....
I am thankful for Kaya, she is the best sister I could ever ask for. |
I am grateful for such a fun best friend, and all my friends. |
I am thankful for my wonderful family. |
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I am thankful for my other family! |
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I am thankful for my cute little brothers. :) |
I am thankful to have such amazing classmates here in Sweden! |
This is harder than I thought it would be because I am thankful for so many things! So I will just leave it at, I am thankful for everything.
Okay, I just need to do this. I have been putting off writing on my blog for so many days I lost count. Sorry to everyone who reads my blog (if any one does). I will stop being such a slacker. Let me start off with the weather... I think I might die. Either from the massive amounts of snow and cold all around me, or from slipping and falling on the icy ground. I am not use to such cold weather. It is beautiful. But I hate cold. I stay pretty warm when I am outside though, considering I put on about 20 layers of clothes. Today is Thanksgiving! Since Thanksgiving is a American Holiday, today was a little but different than regular. I went to school, and got home just in time for dinner, I didn't even help make anything this Thanksgiving! :/ Because it's Thanksgiving I feel like I should share everything that I am thankful for, but that will have to have it's own post :). School is going really good! We have a performance tomorrow, that should be fun! Here is a picture Liv took today when we were rehearsing, (I stole it off of Facebook!) Thanks Liv if you are reading this! Haha :)
We have been working on this dance for about a month, and it's choreographed by us (the students). The people in my group are Veronica, Agnes, Rebecca, Viktor, and me!
I had so many things that I wanted to blog about but I have forgotten everything now. So until next time...
Which will be very soon! Hejdå!
We have been working on this dance for about a month, and it's choreographed by us (the students). The people in my group are Veronica, Agnes, Rebecca, Viktor, and me!
I had so many things that I wanted to blog about but I have forgotten everything now. So until next time...
Which will be very soon! Hejdå!
Exactly what I needed.
I needed a change, i love change.
I grow tired of normal daily happenings.
I was was tired of being comfortable.
I am no longer comfortable, I kind of like it.
I am discovering who I really am.
Me. Not my friends, not my family, not where i'm from......me.
This experience has been difficult in some ways, it has helped me learn something
Life is never prefect.
But I can have a dream for perfection,
I can work towards it,
Maybe one day I will get there.
Not in this life but another.
Trip to Italia!
I have been putting off writing this post because I have some much to share. I feel too guilty not sharing my amazing week with everyone on the 'web', So here we go! If you don't know my friend Alessandra lives in Bergamo Italy. She was nice enough to let me come and stay with her for 8 days and show me around Italy! In those 8 days I visited, Bergamo, Milan, Verona, and Venice! I took so many pictures on this trip so if you would like to see more check them out on my Facebook page.
This is my beautiful friend Alessandra! We had so much fun together, I wish we lived closer but I'm so glad I was able to visit her. :)
View of Bergamo, Ale's city.
This is my beautiful friend Alessandra! We had so much fun together, I wish we lived closer but I'm so glad I was able to visit her. :)
Milan, so amazing!
a protest while we were in Milan.
An amazing shopping area!
A Kebab, why don't they have these in the U.S.?
Verona! This was probably my favorite city we went to.
View of Verona.
Venice! It was rainy the day we went, but it was still beautiful. Getting there was an adventure, we got stuck in traffic for at least 6 hours. The cars were completely stopped so we took a walk on the freeway.
The Hot Chocolate there is unlike anything you can get in the U.S. Mmmm..
All in all, I loved every minute I was there. I loved the culture, the food, the people, the beauty, and the language (I couldn't understand, but it's pretty to listen to. haha) I gained at least 5 pounds while I was there, but it was definatly worth it! Thanks Ale! :)
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